Neal & Jackie Beecher

Neal & Jackie Beecher
Kitale, Kenya

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Buy Mine

If you look closely you can see the lady with the grey hair in the picture. There are actually two "Muzungos" "white people in the picture. This is on our way to Kitale with Elder & Sister Watt who have now gone home. We thought we could just stop and get a picture at the Equator. Little did we know we would be so greeted by a mob all wanting you to buy their goods. And most of the goods are the same, but they still want you to buy theirs.


  1. Sure hope you aren't claustrophobic, Jackie! You both look great--even at the equator and in separate hemispheres. It seems you are going to be as big a sensation in Kitale as you were in Tacloban. It must be the white hair! Or is it the shining, smiling faces? Keep up the good work! We love you.

  2. I'm so glad you were able to post some pics. We love you guys. I love the pics. It's always so amazing to me to see my parents in such foreign surroundings. We miss you guys.

  3. We did not know you were in Kenya. What a wonderful opportunity to share in the lives of our dear brothers and sisters across the ocean! God bless and keep you, Wendy

  4. got your address thi9s week and was so glad to read of youractivitys. Its great to seeyou and the pictures you sent
