Neal & Jackie Beecher

Neal & Jackie Beecher
Kitale, Kenya

Thursday, May 19, 2011


This article was published in the Africa Southeast News:

The Journey of 3,400 km Begins With a Four Hour Walk

By Sandy Fox

  Jane at the temple. Photo by Elder Thomas Fox Jane at the temple. Photo by Elder Thomas FoxOn January 2, 2011, Jane Odimu Odera left her small house on a mountain near Mautuma, Kenya for the 3,400 km trip to the Johannesburg South Africa Temple. Jane had never been more than 40 km from her home, but her faith carried her through.

Jane met the missionaries in 2004 and they handed her a pamphlet. “I read it,” Jane said. “The teachings were true. They were wonderful to me. The Holy Ghost guided me and told me it was true.” Jane was baptized in 2004 but after a time, her branch was closed. The next nearest branch was a four hour walk in good weather. Still, Jane faithfully attended church every Sunday. She arrived early, often before the saints who lived closer. “If you’re not there at the beginning, you miss the spirit,” Jane said.

For three years Jane traveled by foot to church. “My life changed,” she said. “I am a single mother with children. The Church strengthened me. The Church became like my husband, like my father.” The children could not walk the eight hours, so Jane went alone.

She has a tiny house built on a fraction of an acre. She walks to the river for water. Her only income is odd jobs—digging in another person’s shamba (farm) or teaching villagers about hygiene for a charitable organization. But she faithfully tithes on what she earns.

In 2009, the mission organized a dependent group closer to Jane’s home—only a half hour walk. “I am happy every day. I have never missed church,” Jane said. “When the group was organized, President Kogo, [First Counselor in the Mission Presidency] said, ‘We have brought the group to Mautuma because of Jane.’ Because I was faithful. When they brought the church to Mautuma my children joined and are now faithful in coming.”

Jane longed to go to the temple. “I was worthy and wanted to obey the commandment,” Jane said. “I felt to continue in faith, to obey, and receive my endowment and endure to the end.”

On January 2, 2011 Jane began her journey to the temple. Her branch president put her on a bus for the 10 hour ride to Nairobi. She arrived in Nairobi dazed, but determined and delighted. She joined with other saints going to the temple and the next day this brave, faithful sister encountered ticketing, baggage check in, immigration and airplanes for the first time. She emerged with a brilliant smile as she saw the temple in Johannesburg, South Africa.

“I feel so much joy,” Jane said. “The temple is very beautiful. I feel I am in the Celestial Kingdom with my Heavenly Father.”

Elevators, electric cook stoves, lights, hot and cold running water, key cards, and computers—Jane joyfully embraced them all and mastered most. But the four days at the temple brought learning of a far greater value. Jane was able to do her own work and the saving ordinances for deceased relatives. “I feel happy in my heart because of the sacred ordinances. We do this to show our love for Heavenly Father. I felt the Holy Spirit in the temple. Without faith, I could not reach here. I know Jesus Christ died for my sins. Through him I have seen many blessings.”

As Jane headed back to her small house on the mountain, she spoke of her blessings, the changes in her life, and her commitment to be faithful to her covenants. “I’ll never forget the temple and the vision I have seen. I never thought I could come to such a place in my life.” She gave a radiant smile. “This is everlasting life-- the way I love my Heavenly father and He loves me.”

Jane at her home in the mountains of Kenya.  Photo by Elder Neal BeecherJane at her home in the mountains of Kenya. Photo by Elder Neal Beecher

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. We live just three minutes from the Provo temple and do not go as often as we could or should. Jane's story reminds us of what a blessing the temple really is.
